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Budgeting for a Move

Author: Joe Beverly |

There are many things to consider when budgeting for a move, as it is usually an expensive proposition. Preparing for your move financially will help you avoid unexpected surprises on moving day. Here are some tips to help you properly plan for the big event.

Moving Income

A well-planned move can help pay for itself. Consider selling items that you will not be able to take with you such as a spare car or large furniture items. If you are going from renting to owning, then you may have a security deposit coming to you in the next few months.

With advanced planning, you can hold a yard sale and turn a few of those “junk boxes” into cash before you move! If you don’t have time to plan a yard sale, consider sites like Craigslist to help move the items quickly. This will get them out of your way and put fast cash in your pocket. If you are taking a new job, then you may also have vacation time you can take for an extra paycheck.

Moving Out Expenses

The reality is that moving out of the old place isn’t free. Renters need to do a fair amount of cleaning and preparation in order to get their deposit back. Homeowners who are selling are expected to leave the place spic and span or possibly face fees from the real-estate agency. You may consider budgeting in the cost of cleaning supplies or a cleaning service to avoid nasty surprises. If you have pets, you should plan on paying to keep them in a kennel when the movers arrive to pack the house.

New Residence Expenses

Renters will face expenses like security and pet deposits. Application fees can get expensive, and people who are buying will have to allow for mortgage expenses. You also may want to hire a cleaning service to make sure the new home is tidy and fresh. It’s also wise to set money aside for security deposits if you are moving into your own place for the first time.

Transportation and Moving

Hiring movers is the most efficient and stress-free solution. Blue Ox offers free estimates that can help you to plan your big move. You should also account for the time you will spend on packing. If you will have friends come help you, then plan on buying beverages and snacks for the volunteer labor. You should account for the expense of transporting your family to the new location. This includes gas for the car, hotels if you are covering a large distance, tolls and food for the road.

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Joe Beverly

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