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How to Clean and Organize Your Home after Your Move

Author: Joe Beverly |

Once you’ve finally moved into your new home, there is a sense of relief.  All of the “moving work” is done.  You would think. But after you are in the new place there are a whole host of things that must be done to get it set up before you can settle in. 

If the organization and cleaning process is done correctly, it can be a smooth one that ensures that you can keep your new place clean and orderly long after the initial set up. We have all the tips to clean your new home, arrange all of your belongings and get your new life started on the right foot in your new place. 

For a clean and organized home, use these ideas to clean your new home after your move and keep it that way.  

Make a Master Plan for Your Move and Beyond

Getting everything organized starts way before the actual moving day.  Just as important as planning every other part of your move, a concrete plan to get and stay organized and tidy is needed. Blue Ox Moving & Storage has assembled the Ultimate Moving Checklist to guide you step by step through your move. Using this handy checklist saves you time.  It includes all of the things that you need to handle, including some items you may have not considered. 

While you pack for the new home it’s important to make sure you’re only taking with you what is necessary. Take the time to purge your belongings in each room.  Donate or sell the items that you are ready to toss out.  A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t used an item in six months, it’s probably okay to let it go. For those things that you’re not ready to release, pack them into boxes and put them in a storage facility.  

Develop a timeline for your unpacking.  And assign an unpacking order starting with the most used rooms.  Write it out and keep it in your moving binder. Write down where everything will go and as you pack your home label the boxes so that your movers can put them in the right room on moving day.

Also, get all of your packing supplies. We offer all the supplies you need. You can choose to pack yourself or have Blue Ox professionally pack your home.

Put on your plan these tasks to help your unpacking and set up easier:

  • Wash all bedding and carpets before moving so they won’t take dust into your new home and they are fresh and ready to be used once you move in.
  • Gather all the cleaning supplies you will need and have them handy for your pre-clean before moving in.
  • Put together the things that each member of the family will need as soon as you move in so you won’t have to scramble to find them.
  • When your move is complete, get started and stick to your timeline.

Organization is Key

Give Your New Home a Once Over

If you have access before your move, go over to your new place and give it a deep clean.  Shampoo carpets and mop floors.  Use the cleaning supplies you set aside during your planning stage and clean your shelves, cabinets, drawers, and countertops.

Find Your Boxes Set Aside for Each Family Member

Let everyone get their box of essentials so that they can get on with the things they have to do as early after move-in as possible.

Get Your Furnishings In Place

Arrange your furniture. Concentrate on getting rugs, beds, and other large furniture items where they should be.  This will make unpacking boxes much easier.

Work Room By Room

Focus on one room at a time, following the unpacking order you assigned during the planning stage. If you haven’t done this, go ahead and make that plan and get started on your first room.

Keep it Tidy

Once you have set up your home, don’t let clutter take over.  Take small steps like washing dishes after each meal.  Each morning make your bed.  Put things back where they belong immediately after using them, this habit will help to keep your home neat. Tidy small messes when you see them. Don’t wait for things to add up to a huge mess.

A Place for Everything, Even Off-Site

Once you’ve moved in and realized that you have too many items for your new home, you may think you have to get rid of the overflow.  You may decide to do this.  But those items you need or cherish that are taking up too much room don’t have to be discarded.  A storage unit is great for storing winter clothes when it heats up in Houston or putting summer clothes away for winter. When you don’t want to fill your attic or garage with these things, rent a storage unit that you can access when you need them. Blue Ox Moving & Storage can store your valuables without a long-term contract.

Stress-Free Moving

After you’ve moved into your new home, it’s easy to get it all set up and organized with a plan. Keeping it that way boils down to those simple steps that keep it tidy. For a stress-free and efficient move, you should hire the best movers in Houston.  Moving services handle moves like yours every day and have the tools and expertise to get the job done efficiently through careful coordination. Call Blue Ox Moving & Storage today for your complimentary moving estimate.

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Joe Beverly

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