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Why Moving Is Like Tetris

Author: Joe Beverly | ,

Many of us are addicted to Tetris, and so were our parents. When we weren’t fidgeting with those buttons, we would often find them trying it out. Well, all those hours spent trying to fit those shapes together perfectly while playing Tetris can finally pay off!

The 37-year-old tile-matching game is perfect for teaching users how to master puzzles. Turns out, those same skills come in handy when you’re trying to pack in the most efficient manner. Let’s see how to apply those Tetris skills to the task of packing for your move.

Set Your Game Plan

You’d never clear those Tetris lines by jumping in without a plan. Packing is the same way. You need a plan to maximize the space in those boxes. Start by getting things organized.

Think ahead about what you really need to take with you to your new place. Purge those things you no longer need and set your game plan. Make it a multi-player game by getting the whole family and even those helpful friends involved.

Get Packing with Those Tetris Moves

Visualize your perfectly packed box as a perfect Tetris game screen. Imagine how the shapes will fit together in your box. Start packing flat to get more in the box and make sure your container is stable.

Don’t leave any of those pesky gaps, just as you avoid them in your Tetris game. As you know, they can cause problems in the long run in the game and lead to shifting in your box. Remember that the way your Tetris piece falls is usually not the way you’ll situate it when it lands. Just like those pieces, you must look for creative ways to make things fit. Look at each piece from different angles. Introduce a new shape – cylindrical to the game when you’re packing clothes or using clothes or blankets to fill empty spaces.

Pack by Shapes

Get your household items together to be stored in boxes and bins and get them organized in your box, filling any gaps while protecting the pieces. Have several boxes assembled so that as you pack, you can fit the items appropriately. If it’s not working in one container, another may have an opening perfect for the item.

Organize the Boxes & Use Color

Once your boxes are packed, view them as Tetrominos. Those are those game pieces you were moving around in the game of Tetris. Use colors to label your boxes to ensure that you know where they belong when you get to your new home.

Master Moving Tips

Mind the Weight

Don’t overpack your boxes. Make sure you’re using the right boxes for the correct items. Use large boxes for oversized but light items. Leave the heavy books for smaller containers. Bulky and heavy items are perfect for small and medium boxes.

Use dish and glass boxes to keep your dinnerware in good shape for the trip. As you pack your boxes, try to pick them up to ensure you can easily handle them. Blue Ox Moving & Storage has the moving supplies you need if you need the right boxes for your move.

Always Think Ahead

Like in Tetris, where you get the tip letting you know which pieces are coming next, keep an eye on what still must go into your boxes as you pack. Determine the best places for those pieces as you go.

Don’t Forget the Cheat Codes

Well, we don’t have cheat codes for moving. But we do have the Blue Ox Moving & Storage Ultimate Moving Checklist. Download it and follow it week by week to keep you organized and help you pack in the most efficient way.

Hire a Tetris Moving Master

If it turns out that Tetris wasn’t your thing and packing isn’t either, Blue Ox has packing professionals that can do all the work for you. Learn more and how to book this service for your move.

Blue Ox Moving & Storage is Houston’s premier moving company. Our moving professionals are familiar with Houston and its surrounding communities and work to efficiently accomplish your move.

Our clients trust us to take the stress away and provide exceptional moving and storage solutions. See what they have to say about the excellent service they received. Get your free moving and storage estimate today!

Joe Beverly

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